I’ve heard it said that as we get older and hopefully wiser we value better questions over simple answers. So here’s a question: What is amateur radio public service in the context of an increasingly fascist, racist, and xenophobic society facing #climatecrisis?
Who do we serve, when “all else fails” and the power goes out and cell towers go down? Do we handle life saving traffic for our community–bringing medical services, first responders to bare? Do we handle traffic for law enforcement agencies that may have been infiltrated by white supremacists? Or, do we use our wireless communications skills help the sanctuary movement protect our immigrant neighbors against abuse, racist profiling, and deportation? Will our work with served agencies help our neighbors survive and adapt to climate crisis or will it support climate apartheid? Will we choose to support first amendment protected activities like the women’s march? Will we knowingly or unknowingly facilitate agencies aligned with the Trump regime in its efforts to kidnap and cage children? Or will we help journalists get the news out about those crimes against humanity?
What do we do with our (super)powers to communicate worldwide? Are we willing to face the possibility of losing our amateur radio licenses (and our lives) in defense of our planet, nation, communities, and those we love? Does our hobby (or job, for that matter) undo the world or help bring about a new and better one?
Well, there is truly No hiding place. The “lines” are getting drawn sharper than ever before. If you’re not conflicted about what you do and how you live; you haven’t been paying attention.
One final question: When will we stop wringing our dirty hands, grab some (spiritual, mental, and physical) soap and water, and get to work?